I’m Peggy Dippen. I invite you to explore, learn, and grow with me. Whether through guided sessions, workshops, facilitated dialogues, or simply sharing in the journey, my goal is to foster love, gratitude, and compassion, helping each one of us to emerge as the best version of ourselves.Parker Palmer writes, “…we arrive in this world…
Author: Peggy Dippen
The Paradox of Summer
On Wednesday, July 10th, lightning zig-zagged across the sky, window-rattling thunder boomed, and buckets of rain fell from the sky…Parker J. Palmer wrote, “There are summers when floods or drought destroy the crops and threaten the lives and livelihood of those who work the fields.” It certainly seems as if this can be categorized as…
Free Monthly Courage and Renewal Circle
I am Peggy Dippen, a Courage and Renewal Facilitator. If you are unfamiliar with Parker Palmer’s Center for Courage and Renewal that was founded over 30 years ago, please check out the website: couragerenewal.org. The mission for Courage and Renewal is to nurture deep integrity and relational trust, building the foundation for a more…