For Vermonters fortunate enough to have been in warm homes last Thursday, the evening most likely passed by uneventfully, save for some slight annoyance at the cold rain thrashing against their windows.
Category: Community
How to lose 800,000,000 pounds
Garbage. Trash. Waste. Rubbish. For many, these words trigger images of cans and baskets lined with oversized plastic bags filled to the brim with…
Around Town: November Floods
Community Events | Nov. 14-26
Thursday, Nov. 14 American Red Cross Blood Drive. 12:30 to 6 p.m. All blood types needed. At the United Church of Hinesburg, Vermont Rt. 116. Information at Annual Family Night Benefit Dinner for Hinesburg Nursery School. 4 to 9 p.m. Reservations recommended. Twenty percent of sales will support a new playground at the school….
Ma & Pembum: Hinesburg’s homegrown leather boutique upscales
College friendships are not always as fruitful or long-lasting as the one Hinesburg residents Phebe Mott and Elisabeth Garvey share
Stories From Hinesburg | Hinesburg Hair Studio
November 12, 2019 The Hinesburg Hair Studio is a fairly new business located a few doors down from the Paisley Hippo, staffed by three professional hair dressers, Laura, Laurena and Chelsea – appointments help but walk-ins are welcome.
Stories from Hinesburg | The Paisley Hippo
November 11, 2019 The Paisley Hippo is a happening lunch and brunch spot located in the village center. The varied menu includes the famous Paisley steak sandwiches and fries.
Stories from Hinesburg | Carpenter-Case Library
November 11, 2019 The Hinesburg Library is a public library dedicated to serving the residents of Hinesburg and beyond. The library is open six days a week and hosts many events and happenings.
Stories from Hinesburg | Walking Tour
Hinesburg resident Richard Watts, along with videographers Eliza Giles and Sam LeCompte, spent a few hours walking around town.
Community Voices: The story of Hinesburg’s Gussie Levern, born in 1918
“I was born and brought up on a farm in Hinesburg,” Gussie Levern told an interviewer with the Vermont Folklife Center.