Plots Available at the Hinesburg Community Garden
From press release

Spring is just around the corner, so what better time than now to think about gardening. If you would like to grow organic vegetables, herbs or flowers for your family and friends to enjoy, please join us. Established in 2010, the Hinesburg Growing Together Community Garden, a project of the UVM Extension Master Gardener Program, has twenty plots, each with two 4’x12’ wooden raised beds. The plots are located on a sunny, breezy rise of land donated by, and next to the Community Alliance Church on Pond Road in Hinesburg.
You’ll find the other gardeners friendly and helpful, along with our Master Gardeners who are available by phone, email and by visits to the garden to help answer questions and guide us along the way.
Limited plots will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, so please plan to register as soon as possible. The cost for a plot is $35 the first year and $20 in subsequent years.

If you have questions, please contact Community Garden members. To request a registration form, please contact Kristy at or 482-3372; or Grace Link at or 489-6200.