I am Peggy Dippen, a Courage and Renewal Facilitator. If you are unfamiliar with Parker Palmer’s Center for Courage and Renewal that was founded over 30 years ago, please check out the website: couragerenewal.org.
The mission for Courage and Renewal is to nurture deep integrity and relational trust, building the foundation for a more loving, equitable, and healthy world.
I am offering a free monthly circle at the Carpenter-Carse Library the second Wednesday of each month, from 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Here is a list of dates and themes for our times together:
Aug. 14: The Paradox of Scarcity and Abundance and Being Present: Walking Meditations
Sept. 11: Life on the Mobius Strip: Exploring our Inner and Outer Realities
Oct. 9: The Paradox of Autumn: Shadows and Light
Nov. 13: Turning Inward: Our Individual and Collective Stories
Dec. 11: The Gifts of Impermanence and Imperfection
Feel free to check out my website at mindfuljourneywork.com to learn a bit more about me. I am a Hinesburg resident and public educator for more than 26 years.