Town Meeting Day 2021 | Scenes from the polls
On election day, reporters from UVM's Community News Service waited outside the polls to speak with Hinesburg voters...
Ambulance Service Returns to Ballot as Hinesburg Faces Budget Vote
The Hinesburg town ambulance is on the ballot again this Tuesday as voters will choose whether to approve or reject the budget...
Town Administrator or Town Manager: A Question Not So Black and White
Hinesburg residents will consider several consequential ballot items on Town Meeting Day on March 2, including changing the role of town administrator...
BLM Flag to Fly over Hinesburg until July
The Black Lives Matter flag was raised over Hinesburg town hall on Feb. 1, after a resolution to display it was passed unanimously by the Select Board...
Town Meeting Goes Virtual: Voting By Australian Ballot
Town meeting this year will be a town meeting like no other. Instead of crowding into the High School auditorium, this year voters will join town...
Amid national calls to defund the police, Hinesburg’s police budget to increase after town accepts federal grant
In the wake of national protests calling to defund the police following the murder of George Floyd, Hinesburg will increase the town police budget...
As Hinesburg virtual teaching equity improves, Charlotte parents bring similar concerns
Charlotte parents have raised concerns that their children are getting an inequitable amount of live instruction time compared to other schools in the...
CVU faculty, students oppose keeping school resource officer
Several members of the Champlain Valley School District community, mainly high school faculty, opposed keeping a relatively new school resource...
Hinesburg votes yes on wastewater treatment facility bond
On Tuesday, Nov 3, the town of Hinesburg voted to take out a $11,700,000 bond to build a new wastewater treatment facility...
Hinesburg votes in favor of running its own ambulance service
On Tuesday, Nov. 3, the town of Hinesburg voted in favor of operating its own ambulance service in the wake of St. Michael’s college discontinuing its...
Selectboard adds new member
Maggie Gordon has been appointed to the Hinesburg Selectboard...
School board, district leaders grapple with concerns Hinesburg kids get unequal time with teachers
Concerns that Hinesburg students, especially middle-schoolers, are getting less live instruction time than other district students dominated...