At its Aug. 12, 2024, meeting, the Hinesburg Town Forest Committee voted to continue encouraging deer hunting in both town forests as a management tool to prevent over-browsing by deer. Sections of both the Hinesburg Town Forest (HTF) and LaPlatte Headwaters Town Forest (LHTF) will be closed to all recreation except hunting between Saturday, Oct. 26, and Sunday, Dec. 15.
Based on feedback received from different user groups, the committee chose to close a section of the forest for a continuous period. The committee hopes this strategy will serve all user groups by preserving some access to the town forests while still encouraging hunting in other areas. Reducing deer density will reduce over-browsing, which negatively impacts early successional growth and understory regeneration in the forests.
During this period non-hunting activities including walking, hiking, trail running, mountain biking, ATV use, and horseback riding in the HTF are restricted to the western section of the Hinesburg Town Forest around the Hayden Hill parking areas. The following recreational trails will remain open to all the activities that are normally allowed on them: Maiden, Russell’s Ramble, Sheep Thrills, Missing Link, Back Door, Stealth, and a section of the Eagle’s Trail from the trailhead at Hayden Hill West to the height of land at the start of Sheep Thrills.
In the LaPlatte Headwaters Town Forest, all trails will remain open as the closed area does not have recreation trails.
Maps of the areas of each town forest closed to non-hunting uses can be found at
Remember that hunting, per state regulations, is allowed everywhere in both town forests regardless of any closure. We encourage all users to wear bright-colored clothing while in either town forest during deer season.