April 24, 2019
The Spring deadline for SCHIP grant applications is Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Since SCHIP began making grants many non-profits have used their awarded funds to continue their mission to improve the lives of our neighbors and strengthen our communities. Grants range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Grants may not exceed $3,000 per request and only one grant can be received within a year by any one entity.
Applicant requirements:
• Be a 501c(3) or submit the application through such an organization.
• Projects must serve residents of Shelburne, Charlotte, and/or Hinesburg.
• Funds may not be applied to annual operating budgets or permanent staffing.
• One application per organization per calendar year.
Grants deadlines are April 30 and October 31. To obtain an application go to the “Contact” link on the SCHIP’s Treasure website at: SCHIPSTreasure.org.