What the heck? Geri Knortz was our winner. The correct answer was “no bull.” Geri won a $25 gift certificate to Twice is Nice courtesy of Greentree Real Estate.
Tag: What the Heck
What the heck? Carole Stoneking was our winner. The correct answer was “eye phone.” Carole won a $25 gift certificate to Lantman’s Market.
What the heck? Joseph Tomko was our winner. The correct answer was “step sun.” Joseph won a $25 gift certificate to Good Times Cafe.
What the heck? Ethan Bent was our winner. The correct answer was “barn nickel.” Ethan won a $25 gift certificate to Twice is Nice courtest of National Bank of MIddlebury.
What the heck? Sandra L. Labounty was our winner. The correct answer was “magaphone.” Sandra won a $25 gift certificate to SidePony Boutique.
Card shark
What the heck? Darcie Thorburn was our winner. The correct answer was “card shark.” Darcie won a $25 gift certificate to Element Nail Salon.
What the heck? Maureen Barnard was our winner. The correct answer was “infant tree.” Maureen won a $25 gift certificate to Twice is Nice courtesy of Greentree Real Estate.
What the heck? Brandon Stanley was our winner. The correct answer was “dogapult.” Brandon won a $25 gift certificate to Lantman’s Market.
What the heck? Melanie Paquette was our winner. The correct answer was “Cowculator.” Melanie won a $25 gift certificate to Twice is Nice courtesy of National Bank of Middlebury.
What the heck? Robert Thiefels was our winner. The correct answer was “Ein-stien.” Robert won a $25 gift certificate to SidePony Boutique.