Like many other aspects of daily life, the music scene in Hinesburg has been disrupted by COVID-19. But some musicians are working hard to keep the music alive.
Category: Community
Little Free Pantry Provides Relief to Food Insecurity During Pandemic
“Take what you need. Leave what you can.” Their motto is simple, but the idea behind Hinesburg’s Little Free Pantry has big implications for the community, especially as locals fight the difficulties wrought by COVID-19.
Family ties cultivate a strong community at Cedar Knoll Country Club
“It was about more than the cows.” said Tom Ayer, superintendent of Cedar Knoll Country Club, as he looked out at where it all started – hole ten.
School students, teachers, families settle into new remote routine
Although Vermont PreK-12 schools are closed for the remainder of the school year, students across the state have shifted to learning at home as part of the effort to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Community increases resources to help meet food, other needs
Being laid off or just having one’s job substantially cut back can throw many individuals and families into a financial crisis.
CSWD closes administrative office, requests customer cooperation
The Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) is monitoring the impact of COVID-19 with state health agencies.
Community Events | March 13-20
7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday. CVU Theatre Program presents “Monty Python’s Edukational Show.”
Hinesburg Town Meeting 2020
Hinesburg residents will gather on Monday, March 2, starting at 7 p.m. in the Champlain Valley Union High School auditorium for town meeting where they will consider nearly $4.3 million in town spending items for the coming fiscal year.
Community Events | Feb. 19-Mar. 2
10:30 a.m. to noon. Adult coloring drop-in at Carpenter-Carse Library.
Community Events | Jan. 24-28
Tuesday, Jan. 21. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic. The Charlotte Grange. Any type of acoustic music, poetry or storytelling is welcome