Free Courage Circle
I’m Peggy Dippen. I invite you to explore, learn, and grow with me. Whether through guided sessions, workshops, facilitated dialogues, or...
July 4 in Hinesburg
CLICK ON IMGE TO ZOOM IN. July 4 in Hinesburg...
Cemetery Needs Your Help Again This Year
SAVE THE DATE On August 17th we will be having our 2nd annual volunteer cleaning and restoration at the Village Cemetery. We will be aided by...
Hinesburg Resident Wins EMS Recognition Award
From VT Dept of Health Press Release The State of Vermont recognized the dedicated EMS and first responder professionals, volunteers and...
Hinesburg Celebration Info
Theme: A Sporty 4th Wednesday, July 3 – Annual Hilly Hobble Foot Race. Registration starts at 6 p.m. in front of Hinesburg Community School (HCS)...
Tree-riffic News!
Hinesburg has been awarded a $30,000 grant to plant trees on the future Town Common. Andrea Morgante, Marie Ambusk of TreesRoi, and Nick Keirstead of...
Eclipse Photos?
If you have any content eclipse photos you'd like to submit for publication in the Hinesburg Record, the deadline for the next issue is the end of the...
Partnerships to Create and Maintain Affordable Housing
and Xander Patterson, Hinesburg Affordable Housing Committee members Welcome to the third installment of the Hinesburg Affordable Housing...
Town Meeting Updates
Town Meeting Day is only a few days away. The informational meeting will be held on Monday, March 4, at 7 p.m. at the CVU high school auditorium and...
Hinesburg Artist Series to Present Annual Spring Concert on March 17
As a celebration of bringing joy and music to the community, the Hinesburg Artist Series will present its 25th Anniversary St. Patrick’s Day concert...
Inaugural CVU Empty Bowls Dinner
Offering a simple meal of bread and soup for the hungry In 2024, Hinesburg may see many firsts but absolutely one worth mentioning and making...
Fall Fesitval is Coming!
The Hinesburg Fall Fest is happening on Saturday September 23rd! 10am - No Strings Marionette Company puppet show at the United Church Parish...