10:30 a.m. to noon. Adult coloring drop-in at Carpenter-Carse Library.
Author: Admin
The Writers Series | Meg Little Reilly
A Brattleboro native and a graduate of the University of Vermont, Meg Little Reilly worked in the Obama White House before authoring novels “We Are Unprepared” (2016) and “Everything That Follows” (2018).
Community Events | Jan. 24-28
Tuesday, Jan. 21. 6:30 p.m. Open Mic. The Charlotte Grange. Any type of acoustic music, poetry or storytelling is welcome
Hannaford decides not to pursue project
On the evening of Friday, November 22, Hinesburg Director of Planning and Zoning Alex Weinhagen received an email from Tyler Sterling, the Manager of Real Estate Development for Hannaford Supermarkets.
Around Town: November Floods
Community Events | Nov. 14-26
Thursday, Nov. 14 American Red Cross Blood Drive. 12:30 to 6 p.m. All blood types needed. At the United Church of Hinesburg, Vermont Rt. 116. Information at redcrossblood.org. Annual Family Night Benefit Dinner for Hinesburg Nursery School. 4 to 9 p.m. Reservations recommended. Twenty percent of sales will support a new playground at the school….
Community Events | Oct 17-November 3
Oct. 17
Film: “Lake Effect” 5:30 to 8 p.m.
Ferrisburgh Town Offices & Community Center