If you have any content eclipse photos you’d like to submit for publication in the Hinesburg Record, the deadline for the next issue is the end of the day (midnight) this Thursday, April 11. We can usually accept something a day or two late, especially if you let us know to expect it. The next issue comes out Thursday, April 25. The full publication schedule can be seen at hinesburgrecord.org/about/publication-schedule/
Regarding the eclipse itself, go to www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/@z-us-05461?iso=20240408 for more that is specific to Hinesburg. Among other things it indicates eclipse starts at 2:14 p.m., peaks at 3:27 p.m., and ends at 4:37 p.m.
If you capture any great eclipse photos — or any other content or story — you’re welcome to submit them and we may publish them!
Please email submissions to news@hinesburgrecord.org. Thank you for supporting your local, independent, non-profit newspaper!